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On the Grains
Good Friday morning: enjoy the 3-day weekend and mourn the death of the greatest baseball announcer, Bob Uecker voice of the Milwaukee Brewers. Many of you remember him from the movie Major League, while I happen to remember listening to him growing up riding (sleeping) in the hay cutter as my dad cut hay after chores in the summer.  
Here we go. We have talked about the July/Dec spread inverting with carryout falling, which is justified by the latest USDA report. From a 10,000-foot view, it looks like we will plant 95 million acres, maybe more (puke). So, the real question is can we rally the 2025 December corn? Well, there are several factors that could play a vital role in that. Yes, I will admit the $10 billion in government handouts will help shore up balance sheets and, most importantly, cash flows; there is no debate there. The spreads failed to address just what trendline yields will be on 95 million acres.

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